ImageCat presented a poster on GEDI at the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) 2023 conference
30 Jun 2023

Shubharoop Ghosh attended the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) 2023 conference on June 13-14 in Bergamo, Italy. The conference was the launchpad for GEM’s new version of hazard, vulnerability/exposure, fatality, and scenario databases. The international conference included presentations from a variety of organizations, including reinsurance companies Partner Re and Gallagher RE, NGOs/IGOs such as the World Bank, USAID, and NSET Nepal, and government organizations including the USGS.
ImageCat’s poster on its Global Economic Disruption Index (GEDI) was introduced by Shanna N. McClain, Disasters Program Manager at NASA, and presented by Mr. Ghosh. The GEDI framework was developed by ImageCat with support from the NASA Disasters program and utilizes Earth Observation (EO), catastrophe (CAT) risk models, and economic modeling to predict economic impact. In addition, the NASA Disasters Portal was discussed with a focus on expansion from disaster response to understanding risk and resilience.
For more information on GEDI, please contact us at

GEDI poster

Shubharoop Ghosh and John Schneider, Secretary General, GEM Foundation

Shanna McClaine of NASA introducing GEDI