ImageCat hosted The Workshop on the Global Economic Disruption Index (GEDI): Application of NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technologies for Insurance at the Lloyd’s Lab in London
31 Jul 2023
ImageCat was pleased to host The Workshop on the Global Economic Disruption Index (GEDI): Application of NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technologies for Insurance at the Lloyd’s Lab in London. The workshop, which took place on Wednesday, August 2nd, introduced GEDI, created by ImageCat using NASA technologies and economic impact models, to the international insurance industry, allowing for stakeholder interaction and collaboration with GEDI’s creators. Speakers included Shanna McClaine, Program Manager of the NASA Disasters Program, Rowen Douglas, CEO of Climate Risk Resilience of the Howden Group, Charles K. Huyck and Shubharoop Ghosh of ImageCat, and Tim McCosh of Yokahu.
Contact us with any questions about GEDI.